sábado, 3 de julio de 2010

Paraguay 0 - Spain 1


Congratulations to Paraguay. It did not make it easy for Spain. The best one on the Paraguayan squad, the coach Gerardo Martino, who surprised everyone. He definitely surprised the Spanish spy and myself. Paraguay did not play the way the spy working for Spain had anticipated. It did not play "just like Chile, but 15 yards backed-up". It played 20 yards pushing forward, pressing even the Spanish goalie. Paraguay did not wait for Spain sitting on its own half of the field either, as I had anticipated. The Spanish coach seemed also surprised and caught off-guard, completely paralized, unable to react for some very long 55 minutes.

Spain lost the midfield from the get go. Paraguay had numerical superiority and blocked all the passing lines for the Spanish midfielders. Thus Paraguay pressing and defensive strategy had more devastating effects than the Chilean and Portuguese defenses. The game was too thick and heavy. Paraguay would frequently steal the ball and look for its strikers, very mobile and dangerous. Spain could not get a fluid ball circulation and, therefore, could not reach the Paraguayan strike zone. Even worse than that, the Spaniards were forced to make big physical efforts not to lose the ball. Paraguay was better and Spain was getting discouraged and tired.

Once again in this World Cup, the Spanish team badly needed one extra midfielder. It was an absolute practical necessity. Spain creative channels were cut, outnumbered by Paraguay. Just as they were outnumbered by Switzerland, Chile and Portugal. The team was way too long, there was too much distance between the last defender and the most forward striker, and therefore there was too much empty space in the middle of the field. Furthermore, Iniesta was not participating in the game, away from the midfield. He was sent by the coach to get lost in the wing where he is the least dangerous, the right wing.

In the worst game played by Spain so far, after a half time without a single Spanish shot, when the team was in worst shape... Del Bosque finally made the right substitutions. Fabregas came in at last for Torres, and later Pedro for Alonso. And yes, Iniesta was moved to the left wing and Pedro was sent to the right wing. Defensively, Spain was not affected negatively one bit. Offensively, it was very possitively improved. Scoring chances started to happen, and then a penalty, and then a goal.

I cannot repeat it enough in this blog. The number of midfielders is the key, not their names. A midfield of five players should have been the initial line-up. It was not, all right. But then the substitutions should have happened when this need was apparent, after the first 20 minutes at the latest. It finally happened in the second half, and it changed the game in favor of Spain. Congratulations, Del Bosque. Better late than never.

A very strong Germany awaits. Hopefully the Spanish coach will have learnt from his mistakes and also from his successful decissions. Hopefully we will finally see the passing game at its fullest against Germany. Even if Spain has to lose against this great and young Germany, we all hope that it will do it with some style. Precisely the style that it lacked today for most of the game. Let's keep our fingers crossed.

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